Friday, October 7, 2011

Down in front!

I have a split personality... of sorts. I am very quiet and shy when first interacting with people, but once I become comfortable around people, I tend to get borderline annoying. I can be loud, rambunctious, excitable, giggly, raucous, and assertive in conversation. I like to tell stories, but have trouble saying hello. I also have a problem correcting people.
so if i have annoyed you, I apologize. I generally don't realize when I cross that line.
My friend, previously mentioned as 'A' shall henceforth be known as his given name, Adam. Adam is the sort of person that I like a lot. I have always tried to follow and mimic him in some ways. He has always been a leader for me in some way or another. I have never told him, but he has been a strong influence on how I have lived my life since moving here and meeting him. In sunday school, he made me want to sing more. At scout camp, I wanted to learn to play D&D to hang out with him more. In middle school, I became more involved in video games, cause Adam played them a lot, and now I'm following him into the mission.
Adam has been a true friend since I told him we should prepare to serve together. He has offered help and guidance, and spoken to me on patience and willingness. He has been a great example for me these last few months, and I greatly appreciate the help he has extended me. It is people like Adam that help me keep faith in the human race.
To Adam, and his whole, wonderful, friendly, supportive family; thank you all.

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