Well, that was a little awkward... (Oct 22nd)
So I had a plan. It was a good plan, as far as I was concerned. In fact, you might be able to say it was a Plan, or maybe even "A Plan." In other words, this was some big time stuff that I had planned (or Planned). I was almost certain of it. I had done what I felt was necessary to make this plan of mine effective. I had followed through and followed up. I had worked and organized. I even gave up a number of pairs of shoes to accomplish my intended outcome. Well, my plan is no longer working. It has fallen kaput. It is a broken plan. But the good news is I have a better one now.
This last week was very interesting for me. For starters, my plan was nullified. But to continue, with two weeks left in the transfer, I was removed from the Lodi 1st Ward. I found out Monday night, and left Tuesday morning. I rode out with the sunrise, which I felt was rather poetic. Our car also got a flat on the way north toward Sacramento, which was rather less poetic. The rest of the week was a breeze. Running in the morning, some lifting, some reading of scriptures, meeting with Bishops and Stake Presidents and Stake YSA Coordinators, Elders Quorum Presidents and the like. Too be honest, I was very shocked at the love and welcome that I received. It was so inspiring and uplifting.
When things seem to be going wrong, there is always something you can do; the right thing. Pres. Thomas S. Monson said 'you can't be right by doing wrong, and you can't be wrong by doing right.' As long as we do what we know to be right, what we know to be true, everything will work out in the end. I can attest to and testify of that.
Swimming... it's hard (Oct 30th)
For most people that know me, they understand that I am not a natural swimmer (See "gasp!", posted Dec. 15th, 2011). My lower body is somewhat stocky compared to my upper body. I have thick set legs and a rather rounded and protruding rump. I have a great tendency to sick upon placing myself in the water. In fact, I spent three years trying to pass Level 3 swim classes at the local YMCA and through the Sheboygan Area Recreation Department. It was not so much that I didn't know how to swim... I simply swam from the bottom of the pool which constituted as a failing performance. Well, I have tried swimming only a mere 2 times since the Fall of 2010. Both times were with members of the wonderful and exquisite Pond family. Both times I was out performed by the women in this family. Now I would like to state that I am perfectly fine to be put to shame by that (which I guess would mean that I was not actually put to shame...) mainly due to the fact that Kjirsten is a magnificent swimmer and Sis. Pond is the sort of calmly competitive person that would, without getting in anyone's face about it, beat a Carni in a juggling competition by sheer willpower. I think about these instances of swimming and realize something; I lack conviction. I am perfectly willing to work hard as long as it isn't too difficult. I will run long, run fast, lift, read, study, but I am willing to take a break whenever it becomes taxing. I have a lot to learn from a lot of people.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
I was not defeated... I simply postponed my victory!
The crowd gathered. The bets were placed. The challenger was patted on the back, arms were wrapped around his shoulders, there were cheers. He sat down, surrounded by the crowd. Then, the challenge began. He worked, muscles constantly repeating their motion as he pushed himself. He felt the strain, he felt weighed down, and sluggish. Women were crying, and men's hearts sank. He was nowhere near the end... and he stopped. There were groans from the crowd, and they dispersed.
Such was my Thursday morning as the Lodi California Zone missionaries came together to encourage me to eat 15 pancakes at iHop - one for each of the 15 baptisms that our Zone had - to break the Mission record. I stopped at 10. I was okay having not eaten fifteen pancakes, but then my Mission President told the entire Lodi Stake, 10 congregations all gathered together, that a missionary among them attempted, and failed, to eat fifteen pancakes. Challenge accepted! That night, I cooked up and put down a stack of 15 pancakes, one pancake at a time. I was victorious!... and then paid for it this morning when I ran 12 miles. I felt pretty bad this morning, but hey, I was a winner!
This week was quite the roller coaster. A missionary attempted to light my room on fire last week, but I was able to douse the flames before they spread too far. That was rather fun! I have also been listening to a number of church songs, compliments of the Pond family's wonderful package to me, and have been trying to learn the song 'Saviour, Redeemer of my Soul.' I got to go on team ups with my District Leader, Elder Boeke. What a fun guy!
This last Saturday was a lot of fun. Our Zone Leaders came into our room and asked 'Wanna help us cut a tree down?' I ironically stated that I would only do it if I got to borrow a pair of Wranglers. He agreed. We cut the tree down. It was a ton of fun! There was sawdust all up in the air, limbs flying toward the ground, and now and then the resounding thud of a huge branch slamming into the earth. I got lunch out of it. It was Thai food. So goooood! I now own those Wranglers, and am looking into getting a belt and buckle, and really hope I do not turn out to be a Cowboy poser... so I might very well have to help out with branding this fall.
I want to testify to everyone who reads this blog: I know Jesus Christ is my Savior, and that I have found true happiness through serving Him and by turning to Him. This last week was a witness to me that the Gospel is true, the Church is true, and that the love our Heavenly Father has for us is true. It is powerful. The Book of Mormon inspires and directs. Thomas S. Monson is the Prophet of God leading the Church today. And it is up to every one of us to choose for ourselves to follow those promptings from the Spirit.
Elder Gavin Strawn
8267 Deseret Ave
Fair Oaks CA 95628
Such was my Thursday morning as the Lodi California Zone missionaries came together to encourage me to eat 15 pancakes at iHop - one for each of the 15 baptisms that our Zone had - to break the Mission record. I stopped at 10. I was okay having not eaten fifteen pancakes, but then my Mission President told the entire Lodi Stake, 10 congregations all gathered together, that a missionary among them attempted, and failed, to eat fifteen pancakes. Challenge accepted! That night, I cooked up and put down a stack of 15 pancakes, one pancake at a time. I was victorious!... and then paid for it this morning when I ran 12 miles. I felt pretty bad this morning, but hey, I was a winner!
This week was quite the roller coaster. A missionary attempted to light my room on fire last week, but I was able to douse the flames before they spread too far. That was rather fun! I have also been listening to a number of church songs, compliments of the Pond family's wonderful package to me, and have been trying to learn the song 'Saviour, Redeemer of my Soul.' I got to go on team ups with my District Leader, Elder Boeke. What a fun guy!
This last Saturday was a lot of fun. Our Zone Leaders came into our room and asked 'Wanna help us cut a tree down?' I ironically stated that I would only do it if I got to borrow a pair of Wranglers. He agreed. We cut the tree down. It was a ton of fun! There was sawdust all up in the air, limbs flying toward the ground, and now and then the resounding thud of a huge branch slamming into the earth. I got lunch out of it. It was Thai food. So goooood! I now own those Wranglers, and am looking into getting a belt and buckle, and really hope I do not turn out to be a Cowboy poser... so I might very well have to help out with branding this fall.
I want to testify to everyone who reads this blog: I know Jesus Christ is my Savior, and that I have found true happiness through serving Him and by turning to Him. This last week was a witness to me that the Gospel is true, the Church is true, and that the love our Heavenly Father has for us is true. It is powerful. The Book of Mormon inspires and directs. Thomas S. Monson is the Prophet of God leading the Church today. And it is up to every one of us to choose for ourselves to follow those promptings from the Spirit.
Elder Gavin Strawn
8267 Deseret Ave
Fair Oaks CA 95628
Monday, October 8, 2012
The Evolution of Dance
The Evolution of Dance!
I just thought of that YouTube video. If you haven't seen it, do. It is very enjoyable.
The reason the title of this blog came to be is because the original title would simply be 'Evolution', which is not a nod to that wondrous sailing ship that docks in Sheboygan's Harbor, as my father may be postulating. No, it is instead a nod to the title of my blog overall; My Metamorphosis. It is how I have come to change, and what those changes are.
First, I was eating less... not very important, but I know that I can do it, which is encouraging. But I am now training to prepare to break our Mission's iHop pancakes record.
Far more important is the change that has taken place of a spiritual nature. I remember writing about General Conference a year ago on this very blog. If you remember, General Conference is the opportunity we have as members of the church, as well as most EVERYONE in the ENTIRE world (except those that are actually cut off from the rest of the world) to hear the testimonies of the prophets of God... and we get to watch it on TV. This would also be the first time that I would watch all 5 sessions available to me, each 2 hours long. Back home, I would consider watching 2 sessions a success, and I would have slept for 20 minutes in both. The very first news, that 2 new temples will be built in Tucson and Peru, was fabulous. The second, however, was groundbreaking; worthy young men in possession of a high school diploma would be eligible to serve a mission at 18 years of age, as opposed to 19, and worthy young women would qualify at 19 instead of 21... what a fantastic announcement. There are so many people that have been anxious to serve sooner than 19, and have been working toward it with eager haste, only to find that they are now qualified individuals. I immediately began to go through numbers in my head trying to determine how many missionaries I believe that we will have by the time I go home, and it is encouraging what I came up with. I can't wait to see my first 18 year old in the Sacramento CA Mission!!!
I worked to focus on, and take notes from, and seek inspiration regarding the talks given (which you will be able to find on www.lds.org). After reviewing them, I was able to discern that what I needed to do was become converted. Over the last few weeks and months, I have been trying to change what I desire. I cannot change who I am, but an interesting point brought up by Bro. Judd from the Lodi 2nd ward is that who we are and what we are can be two very different things. My desires and goals make me what I am. I have difficulty changing that. I, at times, don't want to do what I am told to do by thousands-of-years-dead prophets. I want to do other things. But lately, I have been working on humility. Through that, I am improving on diligence. Through diligence, I find that I am improving in areas of a temporal as well as spiritual nature more easily, because I am more ready to work to change. For those who know me decently well, you may very well know that my goal has been to play football... but since I know that is not a possibility (at least not a likely one at the NFL level), I decided to use my mind to help my team win by becoming a Sports Economist and going into scouting. However, I decided this week that by working in the NFL, I would be limiting myself from the callings I may receive in the Sunday School or Young Men's programs. I would be taking myself away from the opportunity I have to serve and grow my own testimony, so I am now thinking about college level scouting and coaching, as well as teaching. It was not as painful a decision to make as I thought it may be, and I think my life will be blessed by it.
Also, I got to talking to one person about the Plan of Salvation, or the Eternal Plan of Happiness, that allows us to overcome our shortcomings through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and return to live in everlasting life and glory with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ through faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. The faith that we exhibit as devout and faithful Christians brought to this girl's memory a conversation she had with someone regarding her requirements for her future husband. It was inspiring. Everything she mentioned was about the spiritual devotion her partner must have, and she said that "as I am running toward God I look to the side and he is beside me, and we grab each others hands and run to Him together." I am nowhere near what I consider converted. I am still far too 'human', far too willing to rest upon my goals and my plans as opposed to living up to the expectations our Father in Heaven has for me.
I was able to experience a magnificent thing this week. My companion's tire went flat. Now that is not what is encouraging, but what I love is that I had been up and down that particular street in Lodi 3 times, and there was a man who I had talked to before in his garage, and I kept putting off going back to talk to him, but because Eld. Nethercott's tire went flat, and the 4 people we asked did not have a bike pump, I decided to talk to this man about a bike pump, NOT about the Gospel. As soon as I stepped up and greeted him, he lambasted me for taking my time to come back and talk to him, it having been a little over two weeks since I had been there. He told me he had problems with the church, with RELIGION and to know God we must be like Him, and work with our hands in the earth. He told me to "lose the bike, lose the tie, lose the white shirt, and Work with Your HANDS!!!" I listened earnestly and politely and intently to him for 7 to 9 minutes, then stepped forward, and began to share my testimony of the truthfulness of what he said; we must work. To know God, we must try and emulate Him. The man's scowl left his face and he began to smile. He offered me a chair, and I talked to him about life and the impact faith has on our actions. 30 minutes later, he told me that I was a special spirit, a great person, a loving and caring and unique individual. I need to teach, and counsel, and lead people, but, even more, bear my testimony in how I live my life, not through the words I speak. I agreed largely with what he said to me, and we said a prayer, and this man, who had very recently had three neck and back surgeries, embraced me and told me he loved me.
I had a great need to be encouraged at this point, and I know that I was guided by the Spirit to talk to him. I needed to hear those words, to be uplifted by a man who was upsetting his wife (who we apologized to numerous times) because he was ignoring her birthday to speak to us. I grew that day. I changed that day.
I love my Savior, my Father in Heaven. I love this Gospel and the love I get from Prophets and Apostles. I am so blessed, and I am finding that my family is being blessed as well. I bear my testimony that this work that I am doing every day is work ordained, supported, and aided by God. I cannot do this work alone, but He helps me do His work.
Elder Strawn
8267 Deseret Ave
Fair Oaks CA 95628
I just thought of that YouTube video. If you haven't seen it, do. It is very enjoyable.
The reason the title of this blog came to be is because the original title would simply be 'Evolution', which is not a nod to that wondrous sailing ship that docks in Sheboygan's Harbor, as my father may be postulating. No, it is instead a nod to the title of my blog overall; My Metamorphosis. It is how I have come to change, and what those changes are.
First, I was eating less... not very important, but I know that I can do it, which is encouraging. But I am now training to prepare to break our Mission's iHop pancakes record.
Far more important is the change that has taken place of a spiritual nature. I remember writing about General Conference a year ago on this very blog. If you remember, General Conference is the opportunity we have as members of the church, as well as most EVERYONE in the ENTIRE world (except those that are actually cut off from the rest of the world) to hear the testimonies of the prophets of God... and we get to watch it on TV. This would also be the first time that I would watch all 5 sessions available to me, each 2 hours long. Back home, I would consider watching 2 sessions a success, and I would have slept for 20 minutes in both. The very first news, that 2 new temples will be built in Tucson and Peru, was fabulous. The second, however, was groundbreaking; worthy young men in possession of a high school diploma would be eligible to serve a mission at 18 years of age, as opposed to 19, and worthy young women would qualify at 19 instead of 21... what a fantastic announcement. There are so many people that have been anxious to serve sooner than 19, and have been working toward it with eager haste, only to find that they are now qualified individuals. I immediately began to go through numbers in my head trying to determine how many missionaries I believe that we will have by the time I go home, and it is encouraging what I came up with. I can't wait to see my first 18 year old in the Sacramento CA Mission!!!
I worked to focus on, and take notes from, and seek inspiration regarding the talks given (which you will be able to find on www.lds.org). After reviewing them, I was able to discern that what I needed to do was become converted. Over the last few weeks and months, I have been trying to change what I desire. I cannot change who I am, but an interesting point brought up by Bro. Judd from the Lodi 2nd ward is that who we are and what we are can be two very different things. My desires and goals make me what I am. I have difficulty changing that. I, at times, don't want to do what I am told to do by thousands-of-years-dead prophets. I want to do other things. But lately, I have been working on humility. Through that, I am improving on diligence. Through diligence, I find that I am improving in areas of a temporal as well as spiritual nature more easily, because I am more ready to work to change. For those who know me decently well, you may very well know that my goal has been to play football... but since I know that is not a possibility (at least not a likely one at the NFL level), I decided to use my mind to help my team win by becoming a Sports Economist and going into scouting. However, I decided this week that by working in the NFL, I would be limiting myself from the callings I may receive in the Sunday School or Young Men's programs. I would be taking myself away from the opportunity I have to serve and grow my own testimony, so I am now thinking about college level scouting and coaching, as well as teaching. It was not as painful a decision to make as I thought it may be, and I think my life will be blessed by it.
Also, I got to talking to one person about the Plan of Salvation, or the Eternal Plan of Happiness, that allows us to overcome our shortcomings through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and return to live in everlasting life and glory with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ through faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. The faith that we exhibit as devout and faithful Christians brought to this girl's memory a conversation she had with someone regarding her requirements for her future husband. It was inspiring. Everything she mentioned was about the spiritual devotion her partner must have, and she said that "as I am running toward God I look to the side and he is beside me, and we grab each others hands and run to Him together." I am nowhere near what I consider converted. I am still far too 'human', far too willing to rest upon my goals and my plans as opposed to living up to the expectations our Father in Heaven has for me.
I was able to experience a magnificent thing this week. My companion's tire went flat. Now that is not what is encouraging, but what I love is that I had been up and down that particular street in Lodi 3 times, and there was a man who I had talked to before in his garage, and I kept putting off going back to talk to him, but because Eld. Nethercott's tire went flat, and the 4 people we asked did not have a bike pump, I decided to talk to this man about a bike pump, NOT about the Gospel. As soon as I stepped up and greeted him, he lambasted me for taking my time to come back and talk to him, it having been a little over two weeks since I had been there. He told me he had problems with the church, with RELIGION and to know God we must be like Him, and work with our hands in the earth. He told me to "lose the bike, lose the tie, lose the white shirt, and Work with Your HANDS!!!" I listened earnestly and politely and intently to him for 7 to 9 minutes, then stepped forward, and began to share my testimony of the truthfulness of what he said; we must work. To know God, we must try and emulate Him. The man's scowl left his face and he began to smile. He offered me a chair, and I talked to him about life and the impact faith has on our actions. 30 minutes later, he told me that I was a special spirit, a great person, a loving and caring and unique individual. I need to teach, and counsel, and lead people, but, even more, bear my testimony in how I live my life, not through the words I speak. I agreed largely with what he said to me, and we said a prayer, and this man, who had very recently had three neck and back surgeries, embraced me and told me he loved me.
I had a great need to be encouraged at this point, and I know that I was guided by the Spirit to talk to him. I needed to hear those words, to be uplifted by a man who was upsetting his wife (who we apologized to numerous times) because he was ignoring her birthday to speak to us. I grew that day. I changed that day.
I love my Savior, my Father in Heaven. I love this Gospel and the love I get from Prophets and Apostles. I am so blessed, and I am finding that my family is being blessed as well. I bear my testimony that this work that I am doing every day is work ordained, supported, and aided by God. I cannot do this work alone, but He helps me do His work.
Elder Strawn
8267 Deseret Ave
Fair Oaks CA 95628
Monday, October 1, 2012
We had no phone. We could not even contact anyone to let them know our troubles. Our mail delivery was on hold. We could not write our office to let them know our plight. For 4 days, we were stuck in limbo. We could do nothing! Such was our state last week. We did not have mail delivered to our apartment for 11 days! We decided to discover the cause for this by calling our Mission Office, but our phone had ceased to function. We could not contact investigators. We could not call our members. We floundered in the depths of fear and loneliness... not really, but it did make things quite difficult for us. We also spent a day in when our Zone Leader, Elder Vaughn, spent the day with a non-serious case of Montezuma's Revenge, so the results of this past week were somewhat less than satisfactory... but we ended the week with a baptism!!!
Bro. Davis had been going through a number of trials in his life on so many fronts. Undeterred by these tribulations, he pressed forward, with a steadfast faith in Christ and the power of His atonement (2 Nephi 31:20). I have been teaching him since I arrived in Lodi in late June. He is amazing, and I was honored and humbled to be there for him.
In an effort to draw closer to Christ myself, I began to read 'Jesus the Christ' by James E. Talmage. It is a fantastic book, and sparks within me a desire to read the Pearl of Great Price. Talmage's book is over 700 pages and speaks of Christ's life before earth, His ministry on earth, His purpose, His plan, everything! I am really enjoying it in a way I never could have even 2 months ago. When my brother Brandon sent me the book, I was almost reluctant to take it with me on my mission. I am so glad that I packed it. It has strengthened my testimony and reinforced my knowledge.
Wednesday morning found me in the bathroom, shaving as I sang 'Oh Holy Night.' Admittedly, I started singing that song last year on September 9th, so I am closer to Christmas this year, but I almost began to scold myself about my pre-October festivities when I dwelled on something; I should be celebrating Christ at all times in my life. So, apologies to any who will be annoyed, but I am now singing Christmas songs.
Elder Nethercott and I have found ourselves doing a great deal of one thing; tracting. We go from one door to the next, picking a street for the morning, another for the afternoon, and a last for the evening. We knock every door on the street, and do our best to share our testimony with everyone we talk to. I was getting somewhat down on myself at the lack of success that tracting normally has, so I thought of the alternatives, and about how I could be napping in the apartment, or at least studying the Book of Mormon. Then, the Holy Ghost saw fit to grace me with an inspiring thought; if I were back in the apartment, I would be disappointed that I was not out working. I wouldn't enjoy the rest. The slothful acts would hang over me like a bright neon sign. For the rest of the night, I was upbeat, and I hope that it will carry through the next 20 months+.
Three more things of a spiritual nature before I close. Bro. Lance, a young man still not out of college, but with a wife and child and 2 years good service in Ireland, bore his testimony yesterday on prayer. He shared the Book of Mormon with someone in Ireland as a missionary just as the woman's friends, who are member drove past and honked their horn. Bro. Lance met with that family the next day, and they told him that that morning, they prayed that they could share the gospel with this woman that the missionaries met on the street. He says "When we pray specifically the Lord gives us specific answers." It hardly gets more specific than that!
Before church began, Elder Nethercott and I met with our ward mission leader (WML), Matt Anderson. To be blunt, Matt is not the best of WML's. He admits it. He tells every new missionary to not even have expectations for him, but I like, admire, and want to work hard for him, so he is a great WML for me. To stay on topic, we were discussing our teaching, and he made a comment that basically meant that what we need to teach is the Atonement, because that is what matters. We need to teach of Christ's ministry, because that is how we learn to come unto Him. We need to teach of his miracles, because they are testimonies of the Priesthood. He has a POWERFUL testimony, and it lifted me up and inspired me.
Lastly, we met with our Mission President last night at a fireside, or a seminar of sorts, where two recent converts bore their testimonies. They were able to feel the Spirit of Christ because people opened their mouths and shared their love for Christ with them. How selfish would it be to hold that for yourself, to not share your testimony, that knowledge you have of the changing power of the Atonement? I used to hold it, to hide it away. Now, I want to share it, but I am still unsure how. I pray for the day that I may share it with loving boldness with anyone who asks.
I love this Gospel, and the blessings it gives me and my family. I love my Heavenly Father, and my Savior Jesus Christ. I am so blessed to be living where and when I am, and can not even fathom how greatly the Lord's hand plays in my life.
With love to you all,
Elder Strawn
8267 Deseret Ave.
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Bro. Davis had been going through a number of trials in his life on so many fronts. Undeterred by these tribulations, he pressed forward, with a steadfast faith in Christ and the power of His atonement (2 Nephi 31:20). I have been teaching him since I arrived in Lodi in late June. He is amazing, and I was honored and humbled to be there for him.
In an effort to draw closer to Christ myself, I began to read 'Jesus the Christ' by James E. Talmage. It is a fantastic book, and sparks within me a desire to read the Pearl of Great Price. Talmage's book is over 700 pages and speaks of Christ's life before earth, His ministry on earth, His purpose, His plan, everything! I am really enjoying it in a way I never could have even 2 months ago. When my brother Brandon sent me the book, I was almost reluctant to take it with me on my mission. I am so glad that I packed it. It has strengthened my testimony and reinforced my knowledge.
Wednesday morning found me in the bathroom, shaving as I sang 'Oh Holy Night.' Admittedly, I started singing that song last year on September 9th, so I am closer to Christmas this year, but I almost began to scold myself about my pre-October festivities when I dwelled on something; I should be celebrating Christ at all times in my life. So, apologies to any who will be annoyed, but I am now singing Christmas songs.
Elder Nethercott and I have found ourselves doing a great deal of one thing; tracting. We go from one door to the next, picking a street for the morning, another for the afternoon, and a last for the evening. We knock every door on the street, and do our best to share our testimony with everyone we talk to. I was getting somewhat down on myself at the lack of success that tracting normally has, so I thought of the alternatives, and about how I could be napping in the apartment, or at least studying the Book of Mormon. Then, the Holy Ghost saw fit to grace me with an inspiring thought; if I were back in the apartment, I would be disappointed that I was not out working. I wouldn't enjoy the rest. The slothful acts would hang over me like a bright neon sign. For the rest of the night, I was upbeat, and I hope that it will carry through the next 20 months+.
Three more things of a spiritual nature before I close. Bro. Lance, a young man still not out of college, but with a wife and child and 2 years good service in Ireland, bore his testimony yesterday on prayer. He shared the Book of Mormon with someone in Ireland as a missionary just as the woman's friends, who are member drove past and honked their horn. Bro. Lance met with that family the next day, and they told him that that morning, they prayed that they could share the gospel with this woman that the missionaries met on the street. He says "When we pray specifically the Lord gives us specific answers." It hardly gets more specific than that!
Before church began, Elder Nethercott and I met with our ward mission leader (WML), Matt Anderson. To be blunt, Matt is not the best of WML's. He admits it. He tells every new missionary to not even have expectations for him, but I like, admire, and want to work hard for him, so he is a great WML for me. To stay on topic, we were discussing our teaching, and he made a comment that basically meant that what we need to teach is the Atonement, because that is what matters. We need to teach of Christ's ministry, because that is how we learn to come unto Him. We need to teach of his miracles, because they are testimonies of the Priesthood. He has a POWERFUL testimony, and it lifted me up and inspired me.
Lastly, we met with our Mission President last night at a fireside, or a seminar of sorts, where two recent converts bore their testimonies. They were able to feel the Spirit of Christ because people opened their mouths and shared their love for Christ with them. How selfish would it be to hold that for yourself, to not share your testimony, that knowledge you have of the changing power of the Atonement? I used to hold it, to hide it away. Now, I want to share it, but I am still unsure how. I pray for the day that I may share it with loving boldness with anyone who asks.
I love this Gospel, and the blessings it gives me and my family. I love my Heavenly Father, and my Savior Jesus Christ. I am so blessed to be living where and when I am, and can not even fathom how greatly the Lord's hand plays in my life.
With love to you all,
Elder Strawn
8267 Deseret Ave.
Fair Oaks, CA 95628

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