Friday, November 15, 2013

So much Halloween!

So I really got into Halloween this year. I went to three different Res Life parties, and wore a different costume for each one. I was one of the scientists from Pacific Rim for the first party Halloween night(where we played charades, had a toilet paper costume contest, and watched Hocus Pocus), went as a Scottish soccer player Friday night (I added the kilt to my costume as the temperature dropped about halfway through Ghostbusters), and then I went to the final party Saturday night as the Warded Man, a man who fights Demons by tattooing his whole body with powerful magical symbols (and we also had pizza, a dance, charades, and ended the night watching Pitch Perfect). I spent about all that afternoon making a loin cloth drawing nearly 150 wards on my legs, chest, and left arm. A friend put about 30 on my back and right arm for me. That is the biggest time commitment I have made to a costume, by far.
Since Halloween ended I made a big change; I no longer follow my strict diet plan (meats and veggies 6 days a week, binge one day a week). I wanted to test and see if there would be a significant change in my weight and/or visible body fat by vastly increasing my carb load. So far, negligible results. Hrmmm...
I also started one of my biggest commitments so far; my sister called me up and asked me if I wanted to set up a training program for her to get ready for the Phoenix marathon March 1st. Well, I nearly leapt at the idea. I have been dying to try out the marathon program from 4 Hour Body. I am 5 days in, and it is at least challenging, and my lower back seems to be bearing the brunt of the punishment. It is almost exclusively sprint training and crossfit, and three straight days of power clean followed by a 5k, then 800 meter repeats has put a nasty cramped feeling in my back. Any suggestions friends?
I have also really taken to schnazzing myself up on Thursdays. Originally, it was associated with my fraternity, but I'm not sure we are doing it anymore, but since White Collar airs every Thursday night, I now have White Collar Thursdays, and I am loving it. I get to wear a suit every week! It's quite fun, actually, and I highly suggest it to most anyone.
And to end with a two week randomness round up, time for a variety of stories. I was rather nervous November 8th. I felt the need to dress 'snappy casual,' and I worried about it all day. I started asking Kayla about my choice of clothes all through lunch, and eventually she had me stand up and sort of model it all for her... in the middle of the cafeteria. We both had a big laugh as I gave a spin and struck a pose.
Randomness, take 2: we were discussing particularism in my upper level religions class (Particularism basically says there are multiple true faiths that lead to multiple true 'salvations'), and as we took a break, one confused girl asked the professor a question for clarification, but still didn't grasp the concept fully. The professor asked simply "Well, how do you know what justice is?" And I instantly responded with a slightly raspy voice "Batman lives by it!" The class went silent and then lightly giggled as I continued walking.
Random story 3: Marc is hilarious. As an econ professor, one would think he is dry and boring. Recognizing that, he very randomly throws out stories of his kids. The latest one, he explained to his daughter that the toy she got for Christmas said made in China because, since Santa doesn't get Christmas orders until early December, he has to outsource the labor of some items from China and the US and Europe. She then, a while later, she asked why some of those toys are still on shelves in Target (et al). He responded without missing a beat that those toys were from children who were good when they wrote their lists, turned naughty over the next few weeks, so Santa eliminated useless inventory, selling it to stores throughout the world.
Lastly, I have two major plans for next semester. Starting in January, I will either be a returning member of SNC REH as an RA, OR I will be returning to the SNC Track team. The unfortunate thing is that these two organizations are mutually exclusive. Well, here's to the future!!

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