Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mr Frodo!!

So here is the dealio. I have not read the entire book "The Fellowship of the Ring." I was maybe 50 pages from the end when I put it down, never to finish it. I remember reading that a dark cloud flew over head, and Legolas freaked out about it, but then I stopped. I don't know why I didn't finish, but I do regret that a little bit... so now I have to read the whole series in order.
I have lived my life without regretting too much. I do regret not taking chances that were fairly risk free, but I was still too chicken to do them. I regret accidentally giving Preston Pond a bloody nose right before Sunday Evening Discussion. I regret making an AIDs joke to a man who turned out to be gay. I regret not dedicating myself to a single thing in my life, because I was so afraid of failing that I refused to commit so that I could never know that my best wasn't good enough, because that would hurt too much.
This isn't at all what I was planning on writing about when I started typing tonight. I was going to talk about my mom's wonderful pork chops (tomorrow, I promise). Instead, I am realizing that I do regret things in my life. As of right now, if I had it to do over, I would make changes. I have yet to reach that point where I am afraid of losing the great things in my life by going back and changing my mistakes. I don't have a beautiful marriage with a wonderful wife and children, or that perfect job that allows me to work 25 hours a week and still make bank. So as of right now, I can look back at life and say 'crap... shoulda done that different.'
I was talking to my mom at dinner tonight (SUCH PORK CHOPS!!!), and she joked that I need a pre-mission bucket list. I instantly started rattling off a plethora of things I always wanted to do, but didn't. I want to take a chance, and attempt to accomplish these things before I leave. So if you get a random text or call from me in the near future, just know that you are on my bucket list.

1 comment:

  1. Your mom is a great cook for sure, but almost no one has that perfect life/work situation you described, especially at the tender age of 20 or 21 or whatever, so don't worry too much about that. Also, finish reading The Lord of the Rings, for heaven's sake.
