Thursday, October 6, 2011

Bond. James Bond.

I have been living a lie by omition for quite some time, and yesterday, my co-worker blew my cover... I like High School Musical. I am currently listening to a playlist of all HSM songs. How ever juvenile the lyrics, performance, and plots are, as well as me being excited to watch High School Musical 2 for the first time, the music is fun, and makes me smile. And laugh.
Feels good to get that out there. I recently watched an episode of Psych the I had never seen before. It involved Juliet dating a millionaire (and once I saw those, it really made the episode with Despereaux escaping form prison make slightly more sense.) At one point, there are federal agents who are trying to find the location of one of two spies on the run, and Shawn refuses to give up the location. The millionaire, who had flown them there in his chopper and is trying to be radically honest with Juliet after lying about who he was when he first met her, instantly offers up the flight logs, pauses, and says how good it felt to get that off his chest.
There are numerous things that individuals hide from their peers... I can take this right back to HSM!!! The song Status Quo is all about people breaking out of their shells and admitting  to their involvement in activities that are contrary to the norm. It high school, I was a cross country and track runner. On the side, however, I was attending seminary, reading a book a week, going to Boy Scouts, and was also a part of Chess Club, forensics, the play, and wanted to try out for the musical each year after my freshman year. I tried my hand at romantic poetry, watched romantic comedy (ie, chick flicks) with alarming regularity, enjoyed shopping, and would spend my saturdays playing Madden Football and NCAA football for Playstation simply so that I could go through off season recruiting and contract negotiations. I would set up my Playmobils (ages 4 and up) and storm castles, or fight dragons. I would play D&D with my friends (if they were around) or my family.
So much of me were things, not hidden away, but more so just not revealed to most people. But "If Troy wants to be a singer, well then I'm coming clean." I want people to know who I am. I am a Civil war and medieval history buff who dreams of playing pro football for the Packers. I enjoy role playing games, reading, writing, singing, and romantic movies and poetry. I love romantic comedies, and have tried to write multiple books. I live coming up with story lines, but they usually get bogged down when I try and figure out the finances behind the story. I have always enjoyed working with money and budgets, but am terrible at managing my own money. I strongly believe in love, and am deeply saddened by the greed of the world. I cry during commercials and movies, but hardly ever when it comes to my own life. I love watching sports, and playing, but hesitate when given a chance to go to a game. I am extremely shy, and have a great deal of trouble asking for anything, or accepting things when they are offered. I think I may have an anger problem, and I am a poor speller. I have never been as nervous for anything as I am right now thinking about my mission. I am afraid of heights, get car sick and seasick, and still wish I had superpowers. I have only ever been on one date, and it didn't really count cause she brought her cousin. I love to dance, but really can't, and I am embarrassed when people see me. I love doing accents and want to convince people that I am from a foreign country. I fall asleep very quickly when I relax, and I believe that I may have a medical condition akin to narcolepsy. I am very afraid of having my body break down, or malfunction. Every day, I notice how many things in my life I am underachieving on, and I scares me. I like mountain dew and amp and monster, but a friend in the recovery community who was confused as to why I didn't drink coffee challenged me to stop drinking ALL forms of caffeine. I want to be better today than I was yesterday. I used to not mind being alone, but since getting to college, it has become harder for me to be isolated. I am terrible at contacting people, even if I think fondly of my memories with them. I want to learn latin. I love food. I love playing risk, trivial pursuit, disney scene it, and monopoly. I pretend Heath Ledger isn't dead, he just retired from the world.
And now I'm running late for work. Gotta go!

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