I continue to not be the best at structuring my time and allowing for getting everything done that I need and want to. My homework continues to be completed (on time and getting high grades thus far), I am spending my time brainstorming and working on my RA duties (anyone have any good program ideas?), and I am continuing to workout (too much lifting, not enough cardio/running). However, I am no longer reading, playing video games, blogging, or keeping tabs on the upcoming draft. My free time, while it is a possibility, is not being used efficiently. That needs work. So, since I got out of class 75 minutes early today, I decided to postpone my paper a bit (it is due tomorrow) and writ a blog for the reading pleasure of all those who enjoy my life (which may very well be no one).
The last nearly two weeks have been rather fun. A wonderful example of the upheaval since my last post is Thursday night. There I was, leaving the building with my Hall Director to workout, when we hear a slight popping noise and about half the lights on the south side of campus are out. I immediately yelled out "Dumbledore has returned!" but soon found it was was closer to the works of Death Eaters than a dead hero. Throughout most of the southern parts of campus, half of the dorm rooms were without overhead lights, though their outlets still worked. The other half had lights, but no outlets. After realizing everything that could be done was being done, we went to work out. Later that night, I was watching Hollywood Homicide in my room and there is a zapping noise... and now there is NO POWER. Fantastic. Everyone got a call stating that we should remain in our rooms with our doors closed, because the heat is also out. It took until just after midnight before the power returned, and by that time I was comfortably asleep under a dozen blankets. Crisis solved! This means that all 4 years that I have been a student at SNC the power has gone out during Spring Semester... I am sorry everyone!
Recently REH hosted the 2014-2015 RA Selection and Interview process in Boyle Hall. This event was on a Saturday morning... 8am on a Saturday morning... and it was formal attire. This meant that I needed to get up early and shower and prepare for the day starting at 7 after going to bed at 2am (I was on duty this weekend). I admit that I was not looking forward to the day. However, I was pleasantly, and exhaustively, surprised to find that it was an AMAZING amount of fun. Our room was a riot and a half, and consisted of dance parties and seemingly innocent and innocuous statements that had me near to wetting myself I was laughing so hard. Charge with arranging pictures in a logical order, people communicated statements such as "I have a mug shot of a rooster," "is there a drowning kid in yours, too?," and "the two kids in your picture may be our children!" It was a day laced with energetic explosions of Disney songs, specifically "Zero to Hero" and the introductory song from the Muses (cue 'honey you mean HUNKules!). I was exhausted by the end of the day.
Then, Sunday, my parentals hosted a dinner party. I was a riot. The main focus for the excessive laughter would be Julia, whose husband Bob was unable to attend, and Paul and Karie. The stories that were told caused all of us to tear up, doubling over and we tried to not pass out due to lack of oxygen. We were each of us beet red in the face and our eyes were bloodshot by the time the last of the stories of Big Agnus, an 8 sleeper tent, handshake mishaps resulting in being grabbed by your privates and the resulting fistfight that follows, peeing along side the dog as you go for a walk at night, my miscommunication of running naked across stage, and dodging the urine streams of ADHD children who excitedly try and great you while using the urinal finally concluded. Bob, the absent husband, was the main crux of the stories, but we agreed that those stories would still have been told with him present, and his additions would have made the stories ever more grand.
Such as been my time over the last portion of time. Therefore, it is time for my past.
"The Lumpy Haircut"
Last time, I told of how my brother cold-cocked me in the back of the head with a croquet ball, resulting in a massive, bleeding lump on the back of my head. This story picks up where that one leaves off. Only a few days later, I got a haircut. My mom ran the buzzer through my hair, time and again finding this sore and tender portion of my head that more so resembled a rotten plum than a human head. I yelped, squirmed, and employed my stage tears for her, but to no avail. You see, it had become almost tradition that I always got a haircut when I had a lump on my head. For years it was the case. From the time I could go to school until maybe high school, I would have a swollen noggin 2 out of the 3 times my mom would buzz down my hair for another 3-5 months. It became a bit of a running joke. My senior year of high school, I fell on the ice skating and when I got home told her I needed a haircut. It may be this very reason that I avoid haircuts, much to the chagrin of Kayla among others. I also do not like the way my hair pierces my skin; small bit of my hair act as slivers, sliding through the protective pads of my finger tips requiring the use of tweezers to remove them. It is also really itchy.
"How I Got Screwed"
It was my freshman year of high school, and my brother and I were wrestling in the kitchen (which, in itself, is a bad idea). Tom pushed me away from him and my back hit the wall near our doorway that leads to the basement. It was this particular spot on the way that had a loose board. This board had a screw. This screw was sharp. This sharp, conical bit of metal was introduced to my back. I came away from the wall, oblivious to the fact that a 4 1/2 foot long board was stuck to me. My brother stopped and stared, pointing behind me. I turned to look, and instantly felt the tug of skin. I There was little for me to do but slowly lay down on my stomach in the middle of the kitchen as Tom fetched a philips head screwdriver. He slowly twisted and rotated the screw out of my back until he could remove the board. The cut was fairly deep, and only about and inch to the side of my spinal column. We threw some gauze on the wound, put some bandaids on it to hold it in place, and agreed to not tell mom. I got a scar now.
Well, another few stories for you. Next time, I shall relate how my mom hates Mario Kart!
To put some icing on a possibly flat and unbaked cake, I stepped out of my dorm today to hear a shriek of sorts. It was followed by another, then another. I quickly ran to get a view of the river, and saw two red tailed hawks duking it out in the tree by the Fox River behind Burke Hall. I continued to hear their showdown all the way to the Mulva. Nature is such a marvelous thing!
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