Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Game Time!!!

I was in a dim room. The sun was not yet up, and a sneeze began to tickle my nose. I readied, but it began to fade, and there was no bright light to stare into to spur my sneeze. Depressed, I dropped my gaze and they met my florescent Adidas, whereupon, I SNEEZED!!! It was great.
Lodi CA has been treating me well. I have been running a little, lifting a bit, and even got play football today. There were three guys from Wisconsin in attendance, and we played very well, though it was not classic, grind it out, Wisconsin football. I have dropped to about 178 pounds out here, 8 pounds less than when I left. I am feeling pretty good, except for my shoulder. The pain does remain some days, and has continued to keep me up some nights, though it is not nearly as stinging as the first time that I had it. I do not know the cause, but it seems fairly random.
Due to the delay in snail mail reaching me, I am looking forward to receiving birthday cards from you all... belated cards are accepted.
I have met two individuals out here with connections back home. First is Brother Harddy who served with Robert Graham in Washington back in the early 2000's. Second is Bro. Ellsworth who served in Wisconsin back in the early 80's and he knows my Stake President, Pres. Kindt, and his family. It is wonderful to find these connections in the world.
I have been pouring through the Book of Mormon. I am on pace to finish it before the week is up, but it will take some dedication, so forgive me if I have not written you back recently. I am spending 5 dollars a week on stamps. If you write me a letter, I request, but do not require, a stamp. If a stamp is included, I will write you back sooner as I am all but out of stamps now.
Regarding reading, I read about Samuel the Lamanite this past week. Just at a time when I was called to repentence (lovingly and kindly) by my apartment mates, I was reading this. What Samuel tells the people (among many other things) is that the people rejected the true prophets of God because they called them to change their ways, but upheld false prophets who flattered them and spoke to the pride of their hearts. I also read that God chastens us because he loves us. Between these scriptures, I knew that I must, in order to uphold my calling as a follower of Jesus Christ, follow the commandments that I have been given. It would be wrong of me to invite others to draw closer to Christ while not doing everything I can to do the same.
I truly believe that the Book of Mormon is an inspired book of scripture and testimony of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the gospel. Immediately, Nephi testifies of the blessings of following the gospel. In Nephi 3:7, he stands up for what is right by saying that he will go and do whatever the Lord commands because he knows that the Lord will not command him to a task he can not accomplish, as long as he trusts in the Lord. In Mosiah 3:19, we are instructed that in order to really trust in the Lord, we must humble ourselves and become as children, humble and submissive to our Heavenly Father. We have an example of a man who does trust in the Lord fully: Captain Moroni in Alma. In Alma 48:17, we are told that if every man exemplified the example Moroni leads, in trusting the strength of the Lord above all else, the very powers of hell would be shaken that none would ever fall. I bear testimony that as we follow the path set before us, we are given strength, and added guidance, and the companionship of the Spirit of the Lord. I know that I have only improved my life with each page of the Book of Mormon that I have read. It has been the greatest blessing to me so far in my life, and I am seeking to share it with all those who are willing.
I feel sad whenever I grow close to those that I am teaching, and see them struggle with temptations. I can do little more than invite and direct them, and to see the pain in their eyes at their struggles brings me pain. I have never been one to be overly empathetic, but my heart is growing to encompass so many people as I teach them, and see them grow in the light of Christ. I love these people, and seek for their happiness.
I am growing ever more comfortable in California, and will miss those I grow to love here as well as those I miss at home. I miss so many already, and look forward to meeting many more that I may miss. God Bless, and take care!
Elder Gavin Strawn
8267 Deseret Ave
Fair Oaks CA 95628

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