Yesterday I have had an enjoyable (though very strange and out of the ordinary) day at work. It all started with my run to Taylor Heights. I wore my new Fils 4-finger shoes (the pinkie and ring toes go in the same sleeve) to Planet Fitness, and then to work after I got cleaned up. My co-worker Amber was excited to see them, and at one point asked if I wore foot socks with them. Believing she meant toe socks, I giggled a little, and repeated what she had said so that she might understand my entertained confusion. She didn't seem to notice at all. So please, correct me if my logic is wrong; socks go on feet. Feet and socks go together like gloves and hands. You don't say hand gloves. Well, before I could point this out to Amber, a customer came up to the teller window asking for a withdrawl slip. We tabled our conversation, ans, recognizing her, I helped her fill out her slip. She was a bit chatty, and at one point I laughed. She complimented em on my dimples, which was a little odd, but I thanked her and told her how my brother Tom is to this day angry at me for my jaw line and the fact that I have dimples (two sets there of). When I told her that I had two sets of dimples her response was "I only see one. Are the others on your butt. Pull'em down and show me." I was laughing reals hard at this point. She followed this up with some crude joke that left me more shocked than entertained. After she left, I turned to Amber. "I was asked by a 60 year old in a wheelchair to strip." Slightly scaring. Less than half an hour later, Amber caught a 16 year old girl giving me the up/down, up/down, and another up/down with her eyes. The day just got more awkward.
My manager came into the bank about an hour later, just before I went on lunch. This would be the first extended amount of time that I would spend with him since racing on Saturday, so I had brought my knee brace in to work and was wearing it in an attempt to convince him I had hurt myself. I even faked a painkiller buzz to sell it. Less than an hour after he got to the office, he asked Amber to come into his office. When she came out, she told me that Nick was considering sending me home because of my chemically altered state. Boom. Not only could I convince my boss that I was injured, but I can fake being on drugs. Hollywood, here I come!
Now for the rant of my post.
I found a new, fun site called smartphOWNED where people have auto-correct problems, text the wrong person, or just strange conversations. Many of them are oft repeated themes, but the one that really ticks me go like this. Now, I don't know about you, but I think the integrity of my parents relationship cannot be bought from Microsoft. In fact, when I am grown and have a 19 year old still living at home over the summer, I will pull this as a prank. If they accept the bride, they are kicked out of the house. There are probably 50 or 60 of these that I have read. I understand that many are staged conversations, but there are too many real ones for my liking. I now do not like people >:(
Ok, I like people again.
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