Every time you advance in life, whether it be going from grade school to middle school, middle to high school, high school to college/work force/military/whatever else you plan on doing after high school, you build friendships, make acquaintances, make connections. Over time, some of these dwindle and perish due to lack of care, attention, and nourishment. Others prosper greatly due to the inverse relationship of those previously mentioned relationships that perished. Others need no care, but are totally self sufficient and will always be strong, no matter the last time you watered it, and other will wilt and droop, and whither, even if you have worked and labored with all diligence in an effort to keep healthy a dear friendship. And other times, you are suddenly uprooted from your garden, and haven't even a chance to prune the bushes before you are gone.
I do miss my friends. I miss pledging for Tau Kappa Epsilon; staying up until 3 or 4 in the morning, running around campus, getting to know each other, creating a stressful environment that took each of us and gave us a common cause, strengthening us individually and collectively. I miss Cross Country and Track; running 6 to 10 miles a day, wishing in the back of our minds for a car to swipe us right in the knee so our season would be over, and we would never have to pay for school again, but still dodging the cars driven by idiots and overly caffeinated soccer moms when they blow through a stop sign (unless you're Eric DeSalvo. Then you don't don't dodge it, allow every ligament in your knee to get torn apart, then don't get the license plate of the car that hits you... amateur, Eric). I miss going to the Caf right after practice, worn out, smelly and sweaty, but laughing and joking with teammates. I miss the workouts, and the knowledge that I can get through the pain and the fatigue and the desire to throw up, and come out stronger and faster. I miss the NERF battles between dorms; raiding the unexpected victims, duels at high midnight (Nobody was available at noon), and the chain guns that always, always clogged. I miss intramurals; ultimate frisbee, flag football, and even volleyball and basketball. I miss the inter-residential olympics. I miss Michael Poradek. I miss the events at the Campus Center, and knowing almost everyone because you have seen each other every day for years, had classes with each other, had mutual friends, etc. I miss the times when no one wanted to do any studying, so we went through a series of Shenanigans, just in the hopes that tonight will be remembered, and tomorrow night we can study. I miss the pressure of homework and papers and essays and tests. I miss going to class, always napping 40 minutes before hand so I don't sleep in the front row, and thinking that I won't care about anything that was taught in End of the World, or Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, or Western Civilization, but more often than not, coming away with new ideas, new challenges for myself. I miss doodling, and writing a (fairly terrrrrrrrible book, if I do say so myself). I miss watching netflix for 6 hours while on duty in the office. I miss playing tag with Libby Wissig. I miss talking Packers with Dana Laudolff and Austin Plier. I miss my RA staff. I miss SNC Radio. I do NOT miss the smoking. I miss double screened computer that were so great for data collection. I miss Prof. Quinn. I miss home coming. I miss the collective hatred of loft collection, but the enthusiasm we had of getting through it together.
I have been a part of the institution of learning for 18 years. It is as mush a part of me as my desire to read. I miss it so much. Cherish these days; make memories of the stressful times when you think you will never be happy again by reaching out to a friend. Remember the days running around campus playing quidditch with a slightly unbalanced RA. Make you memories, and hold on to them.
Every hour spent studying should buy you en extra pay bonus, or time off at your future job. Every test you take should be a personal challenge to yourself, to submit yourself to the rigors of understanding your favorite subjects. School is rigorous, but it is so much fun. Share each day with those you hold dear. Every day passed is a day you will never have again, but every day lived to its fullest with those you love is never a wasted day. Take your time each day; do what you need to accomplish, but do it for yourself. It is your life; live it for you.
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