This morning, I decided I wanted to listen to one of my favorite stand-up comedy pieces; Woody Allen discussing his experiences with Moose hunting in upstate New York. I absolutely love this story. It isn't the funniest comedy I have heard, his actions aren't the most outrageously animated, and his timing, though pretty dang good, isn't the best I have ever witnessed, but dang it I love it!
Anybody who has not wanted to, at some point in their lives, become a comedian is A) far too serious (cue Heath Ledger in makeup) or B) self aware to the point of recognizing that they/their life stories are just not funny enough. I am in the latter group, to a degree. I would love to be a comedian! I get to tell embarrassing stories all night, laugh at myself (which everyone else seems to do, anyway), and get paid to do it! Big problem though... I don't find my stories funny or interesting for the most part. Most of the stories that I tell begin with "I have this friend who..."
But laughing is so awesome. The benefits are innumerable! It gives you a great ab workout, relieves stress, improves cardio, decreases cholesterol, improves vision, cures leprosy, and clears sidewalks of up to 8 inches of snow Tuesdays from 3-5 in the morning and after 11:11 at night, and once was reported to turn a group of train hi-jackers in Istanbul into Guinea Hens. Ok, maybe I exaggerated a little bit, but I still love laughing.
Another thing I love that I haven't done since Exam week, Spring 2011; Zumba! Almost every day at work, Pitbull, Black Eyed Peas (bleah!!), Shakira, Edward Maya, or some other song blared from Sarah C's iPod speakers on those fun filled evenings in the CC Gym goes through my head, and I catch my co-workers staring at me has my hips sway, my feet bounce, and lyrics and a beat softly come out of my mouth... it is a little embarrassing, but I just clear my throat, blush a bit, and go back to SILENTLY singing the song in my head.
Yesterday while at work, I found a list of 7 veggies that are a great source of protein (This is in response to your question from a few weeks/months ago ZP). The protien with be displayed in parenthesis as grams/calorie. Pumpkin Seeds at 9.35 grams of protein per ounce of seeds (.06), Asparagus has more than 3 grams per 8 spears (.11), Cauliflower (.08), Peanuts (.05), Mung Beans (.1), Spinach has 5.35 grams per cup of cooked cup (.12), and Broccoli (.08). This is great for me, cause I eat far too much meat. I had been putting asparagus in my scrambled eggs, and I have always liked broccoli. Also, I wonder if I can make a hummus with pumpkin seeds... hrmmmm. The possibilities!!!
Do you know that Apolo Ohno is training for his first marathon, and want to run it with Lance Armstrong. Guess what Lance texted his wife upon completeing his first marathon? "Oh. My. G**. Ouch. Terrible." Lance is considered one of, if not, the greatest endurance athletes ever, and he hobbled through to finish in great pain. Apolo also said that training for a marathon hasinflicted more pain than he has ever had in places he never knew could hurt.
Puss in Boots; decent movie.
Chicken and rice; great meal.
Powerade; tasty.
Psych; such a fun show.
Burn Notice; new episodes!!
Second Nephi; intriguing chapters.
Packers; 38-27 over the Chargers (Blanket Gates, double Jackson oin D, and exploit the lack of speed in the Linebacking core with offense.)
Haircut; I need to cut my hair tomorrow... and Zach's too.
Andrew Luck; his stock is falling!
Brushing your teeth; use a baby toothbrush and massage your gums gently with it.
Peircings; Body piercings ore the biggest deciding physical factor in companies not hiring, followed by bad breath and then tattoos.. or maybe tattos is first, piercings third...
Lord of the Rings; I still need to wathc RotK with Gonz and Mc-Goon-ager.
Well, I think I am out of random things. Have a great day, everyone!
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